
这几天的天气特别冷。前几天看 Bozeman 说他们那里华氏零下30多度,这对我来说,是一个无法想象的数字,我出生以来还没有遇到过这样冷的天气。可是今天这里的天气,就在此时此刻,wind chill 到了零下29度,这可是1920年以来的最低温,连爷爷奶奶都没有遇到过的。
Wind Chill 这个词是我前年冬天才知道的。那年的冬天在我的记忆中非常的寒冷,无论是纽约,波士顿还是巴黎。可能因为习惯了台北冬天的暖阳吧,初到巴黎的那一天,也是欧元发行的第一天,表哥去银行排队买了100块的欧元硬币,来接我的时候,就给了我。我看到透过戴高乐机场的阳光是那样温暖,一下子就把美国的阴霾忘得精光。可惜好景不长,一出来就被寒风打倒了。那是真正的寒风,能带走人身体全部热量的一张巨网。表哥还带我去黑森林看那些路边的流莺,她们可以不畏风寒穿着短裙和性感的丝袜招呼客人。我真是太佩服了。我是天气一冷立刻就病。前年那天就咕咚,去年咕咚,今天又,咕咚咚。。。

区域: United States
Reading, MA USA
风向: WNW 18 mph 气压计: 29.67 inHg 湿度: 36%
Fair 气压: 1005 mbar
紫外光: 0 Feels Like: : -29°F 可见度: 999 mi
1. What is wind chill temperature?
A. The wind chill temperature is how cold people and animals feel when outside. Wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by wind and cold. As the wind increases, it draws heat from the body, driving down skin temperature and eventually the internal body temperature. Therefore, the wind makes it FEEL much colder. If the temperature is 0 degrees Fahrenheit and the wind is blowing at 15 mph, the wind chill is -19 degrees Fahrenheit. At this wind chill temperature, exposed skin can freeze in 30 minutes.

This entry was posted on 星期四, 01月 15th, 2004 at 11:41 pm and is filed under 无法归类. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “风寒”

  1. 靠边 说到:

    Get well and get well soon.

  2. bozeman 说到:

    我也一直不明白wind chill是啥意思,可是懒得去弄懂它。看了nana查来的资料这下明白了。

  3. 随便 说到:
