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Sep 13th, 2006 Posted in 无法归类 | 评论关闭



Sep 13th, 2006 Posted in 无法归类 | 评论关闭



Sep 8th, 2006 Posted in 无法归类 | 评论关闭

An Open Letter from Mark Zuckerberg:
We really messed this one up. When we launched News Feed and Mini-Feed we were trying to provide you with a stream of information about your social world. Instead, we did a bad job of explaining what the new features were and an even worse job of giving you control of them. I’d like to try to correct those errors now.
When I made Facebook two years ago my goal was to help people understand what was going on in their world a little better. I wanted to create an environment where people could share whatever information they wanted, but also have control over whom they shared that information with. I think a lot of the success we’ve seen is because of these basic principles.
We made the site so that all of our members are a part of smaller networks like schools, companies or regions, so you can only see the profiles of people who are in your networks and your friends. We did this to make sure you could share information with the people you care about. This is the same reason we have built extensive privacy settings – to give you even more control over who you share your information with.
Somehow we missed this point with News Feed and Mini-Feed and we didn’t build in the proper privacy controls right away. This was a big mistake on our part, and I’m sorry for it. But apologizing isn’t enough. I wanted to make sure we did something about it, and quickly. So we have been coding nonstop for two days to get you better privacy controls. This new privacy page will allow you to choose which types of stories go into your Mini-Feed and your friends’ News Feeds, and it also lists the type of actions Facebook will never let any other person know about. If you have more comments, please send them over.
This may sound silly, but I want to thank all of you who have written in and created groups and protested. Even though I wish I hadn’t made so many of you angry, I am glad we got to hear you. And I am also glad that News Feed highlighted all these groups so people could find them and share their opinions with each other as well.
About a week ago I created a group called Free Flow of Information on the Internet, because that’s what I believe in – helping people share information with the people they want to share it with. I’d encourage you to check it out to learn more about what guides those of us who make Facebook. Today (Friday, 9/8) at 4pm edt, I will be in that group with a bunch of people from Facebook, and we would love to discuss all of this with you. It would be great to see you there.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,


Sep 8th, 2006 Posted in 无法归类 | 评论关闭

周末在纽约和姐姐姐夫吃饭,得知虎子最近泡了个妞。是啊,都大三了,连女朋友都没有交过这大学岂不是白上了。虎子还带这个 mm 去过家里,姐姐表示各方面都满意,只有一点,这女孩是个混血儿,有日本血统,实在很不爽。姐姐之前和虎子的约法三章,什么不许找日本人,早就被虎子一句“时代不同了”给噎了回去。
姐姐说这个女孩长得很漂亮,是曾经的明尼苏达的 Miss Junior ,选美小皇后。今天在 facebook 闲逛,看到了这个女孩,真是很漂亮。和虎子同届的 MIT 学生,学医。再一看这个女孩的经历,可太吓人了。
HONORS & AWARDS: Valedictorian; National Merit Scholar; AP Scholar; American Invitational Mathematics Exam Qualifier; All-Conference Cross Country Runner; State Qualifying Math League Team Captain; State Qualifying Cross Country Team Member; National Honor Society; State Qualifying Knowledge Bowl Team Captain; Smith College- Woman of Distinction; Northern Stars Leader; American Mathematics Competition- School Top Scorer; University of St. Thomas Math Camp; USA Math Talent Search- Honorable Mention; Varsity Math League- Team Top Scorer; Gold Cup Piano Award; U.S. Air Force Band- Guest Performer; Cross Country Scholar Athlete; Lions Cub Representative; Freshman Respect Retreat- Senior Role Model.
COMMUNITY SERVICE: Church Pianist; Christmas Toy Drive; Adopted Highway Ditch Clean-up; Humane Society Bake Sale; Howell Animal Rehabilitation; Nursing Home Hymnist.
ACTIVITIES & INTERESTS: Varsity Track and Field; Varsity Math League; Varsity Cross Country; Varsity Knowledge Bowl; Junior Varsity Nordic Ski Team; Church Youth Group; High School Band; Prairie Winds Summer Band; Flute; High School Newspaper- Columnist and Page Editor; Travel; Reading.
TALENT: Piano — ” Toccata ”
虎子上大学也是被姐姐姐夫苦心经营了一番,也是得到无数奖项,才顺利的上了 MIT 。小孩在美国要是想上名校,必须要得这么多奖,还要参加这么多课外活动的话,还能有快乐童年么?555,想想都可怕。
我们还得为了买得起 PARK AVE 的房子而努力,还要教育 JOEY ,还要让他开心幸福快乐。责任好重啊。


Sep 5th, 2006 Posted in 无法归类 | 评论关闭

我在纽约 Lexington Ave 的集市上看到一套裙子,一眼就喜欢上了,想和那个小贩侃侃价,他要收摊了,一边咧着通红的牙齿,一边说,四十块,死活都不肯少一分,气愤之下,毅然买下。